Thursday, June 05, 2008

21 days..

Is the time it takes for a fertilised egg to hatch during the incubation process. Therefore I am eagerly anticiapting the 7th April.

Today I met up with Lesley, Carl, Emma and Clare in Stratford before wondering off around the farmers market. Emma is one of the kindest people I know, a while ago she bought an incubator for her school but they never got around to using it, so she has now passed it on to me. I am eternally greatful, an Octagon 10 would cost me just over £140 if it was bought from the shops. Seeing as I have one identical those which has never been used, I am really chuffed. The fertile eggs themselves have come from my trusted friend Lesley. She has supplied me with 3 Buff OrpingotnxWelsummer eggs, 1 cream legbarxwhitestar egg, and 2 from some of her original hens. Before the hens are 10 weeks old, they are going back to Lesley and fattened up ready for slaughter at around 22 weeks. They shall then finally return to us ready to be used routinely on Sunday's!

Friendly Farm
Sorry about the refletion of the flash in the photo. Hopefully in 21 days these 6 eggs will be fluffy little chicks!!!
At the actual market I also bought some Farmhouse sausasges, a carrot cake (for mothers day) and some ginger beer from a new stall holder! I also bought a sausage bap, which was delicious! I also recieved my fortnightly supply of duck eggs in a swap for a bottle of reggae reggae sauce!

When I got home I went straight over to my Grandparents house equipped with all my gardening gear, and potted some seeds, in which I hope will transform into a bumper crop of delicious vegetables. The greenhouse I used is normally full of clutter, but I cleared out and made way for my delicious crops! If you are interested in what I have planted I have listed the types below.
Tomato Money Maker x6
Tomato Gardeners Delight x6
Tomato Supersweet F1 x4 (because I dropped the seed packet)
Brocolli x 6
Scotch Bonnet Chilli x 7
Courgette x 9
White Lisbon Spring Onions x 4
Small Spring Onions x 6
Cauliflower Violet Queen x 6
White Cabbage x6
Cucumber Market More x6
Musselbrough Leeks x7
Iceberg Lettuce x 6
There are quite a few more things, but I've forgot what they were! Hopefully when these are ready to be handled they shall be moved outside and then a new bunch of seeds can be potted and germinated to ensure a continuous supply of food.

Well a very nice day overall, I've had some real fun!
See you soon and much love,
Martin x

Saturday, March 10, 2007

End of an era.

It's my final straw.
I am so fed up with and I have decided to switch server in an attempt to make my blogging life a little easier.
Blogspot kept refusing to log me in, and kept wanting me to upgrade my package. I had to leave a comment on somebodys blog before I could even log into my own blog and make a post.

So I'm now available over on:

I hope to see you over there,

Friday, March 09, 2007

It's getting warm!

Three more glorious days have passed. I love the feel of the warmth on a leather settee which has been in the suns path. According to the MET Office we can expect the mildest day of the year so far on Sunday, which is obviously something to look forward to.
The absence from school has given me time to continue to develop the new website which shall be completed very soon, and it has also given me time to draw up mental plans to include a tomato "mini" vineyard in the garden. I am looking to increase the yield of tomatoes so that I can widen the Friendly Farm product list, to include ketchups and sauces. We already make tomato soup but unfortunately we do not use our own tomatoes as yet, so hopefully this summer we will be able to supply you with homemade and homegrown soup.
We have only had 4 eggs in the last 3 days, hopefully they'll be back to normal ways within the next few days otherwised treats will be cut out. Some people have chickens for pets and that is fair enough, they say eggs are a bonus but my two are egglayers, if there are no eggs there is no income, and no breakfast.
Well the weekend has arrived upon us, and I have an egg order or two to fulfill and I also need to go and collect the used egg boxes from my customers. It may be a little more difficult than usual because of the back, but I am sure I shall manage. As I am talking of the back, today 9/3 has been the worst day since monday! It's been so painful. I am going to be watching Birmingham vs Derby on the telly later, so it means I shall have to walk over to my grandmas. Something which currently knackers me out, even though it's only 200m away!
On a final note, I am going to leave you with some pictures to treasure for a rainy day.

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It's sad to think I could be in Paris today. Speaking french, eating french and just enjoying myself. But instead I am at home with a bad back.

Take care of yourselves,

It's getting warm!

Three more glorious days have passed. I love the feel of the warmth on a leather settee which has been in the suns path. According to the MET Office we can expect the mildest day of the year so far on Sunday, which is obviously something to look forward to.
The absence from school has given me time to continue to develop the new website which shall be completed very soon, and it has also given me time to draw up mental plans to include a tomato "mini" vineyard in the garden. I am looking to increase the yield of tomatoes so that I can widen the Friendly Farm product list, to include ketchups and sauces. We already make tomato soup but unfortunately we do not use our own tomatoes as yet, so hopefully this summer we will be able to supply you with homemade and homegrown soup.
We have only had 4 eggs in the last 3 days, hopefully they'll be back to normal ways within the next few days otherwised treats will be cut out. Some people have chickens for pets and that is fair enough, they say eggs are a bonus but my two are egglayers, if there are no eggs there is no income, and no breakfast.
Well the weekend has arrived upon us, and I have an egg order or two to fulfill and I also need to go and collect the used egg boxes from my customers. It may be a little more difficult than usual because of the back, but I am sure I shall manage. As I am talking of the back, today 9/3 has been the worst day since monday! It's been so painful. I am going to be watching Birmingham vs Derby on the telly later, so it means I shall have to walk over to my grandmas. Something which currently knackers me out, even though it's only 200m away!
On a final note, I am going to leave you with some pictures to treasure for a rainy day.
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It's sad to think I could be in Paris today. Speaking french, eating french and just enjoying myself. But instead I am at home with a bad back.

Take care of yourselves,

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Glorious Day!

Although I am not fully fit to enjoy it, today in my opinion was the most beautiful day of the year. From early in the morning the sun was in full blaze, joined in the sky by only light blue and an array of light puffy clouds. It was sensational to have the sun beating on my feet, and making me feel warm, it was perhaps a kick up the hide to say "SPRING IS HERE"

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Morning Glory, the garden at about 11am.
It's so exciting when the seasons change. Spring is very special to us all. The fruit trees begin to blossom and to see the baby lambs in the fields is one of most joyous things ever! For me at FF it means that the hens will be coming into full lay again, we've had about 12eggs in the last 7days! It's amazing how they are laying 10 more eggs a week now than only a two weeks ago! It's made me really thrilled. It's also given me a reminder that I need to start planting my tomatos, beans and cucumber plants into little pots. I'm already sorted for strawberries, to my amazement they survived the whole winter, in January I trimmed them back and ridded of the dead leaves to find at least 15 plants. I only bought 3 plants originally last year, so that is value for money! 15 plants - £2.70!
I will try to remember to take a picture of the strawberry plants tomorrow, but today you shall have to make do with a picture of our miniature daffodils! It's not very good because I still can't bend down but it shows spring is in our back garden.

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Enough of spring now. Today I'm also talking charity. My WALKEARS arrived today, they are a product designed by walkers in which they are giving away for absolutely free. However the best bit is, for every 1,000,000 ears given away £1,000,000 is going to be given to Comic Relief. Make sure you get yours now. If you are still not convinced why to get some here are a few pictures of my family showing them off! Enjoy!

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In recent weeks I've also been saving my pennies up for a charity I am very closely associated with. So hopefully I'll be handing them a super cheque very soon.

Well, it's Liverpool vs Barcelona in 45 minutes and Mum is trying to rush me out of the door. I am getting a lift to Grandmas on there way to Redditch.
Chat soon and thanks for visiting,
Martin x x

Monday, March 05, 2007

Happy Anniversary to me!

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I know I'm not married, but it's still my anniversary! One whole year of the Omlet Forum! I can't believe it's been a whole year, I've had some great opportunities and met some lovely people, so I would like to thank all of those on the forum. THANK YOU!

I'm so proud of the fact that I am a solid omleteer and I can't wait until the next get together at Jimmy's Farm in April. Yet on a smaller scale at the Farmers Market a week on Saturday!

I don't have much more to say. My back is still awful, many friends have called me to check how I was which I really appreciate! To recoup some of the money on the trip, my friend Oliver may be taking my place and then paying me back, which is better than losing the £270.

Anyhow, Thanks for dropping by!


I almost forgot, a new series starts tonight on BBC3 it's called Kill it, Cook it, Eat it. It's about the journey of an animal from birth to farm to abbatoir to plate!!! It starts at 10.30pm if you are interested.
Another 2 egg today!

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Well I have some bad news in which I want to get out of the way. I have been suffering with light back pain for about 2 weeks, however in the last few days it has got signifacantly worse! I went to the doctors on Friday and they said I need to be off school until it gets better and I also must miss the school trip to Paris from Thurday to Monday! So I'm quite upset. However Paris will always be there whereas you only get 1 back. As I am writing I just recieved a phone call from a friend, and he seems a bit dissapointed that I will not be able to go!

Not much else happening, I haven't been able to do anything! However I have sold 2 boxes of eggs this week. A nice little income of £3.20! Not to bad for 6 organic, free-range eggs!

Yesterday at regular intervals I struggled out of my chair to see the Lunar eclipse. It was difficult to get a picture myself but lookly somebody from the Omlet forum caught this stunning picture of it when it looked as if the moon was red. Here it is....

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Well that is about it, I've got a week off from School but I have to go in to do my Maths Exam on Thursday morning.

Thanks for visiting,